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The ACT Review is the leading test prep provider in the Columbus, Ohio region offering ACT classes & ACT tutoring.

We provide ACT test prep courses and private ACT test tutoring to students from all over the Columbus, Ohio area including Hilliard, Pickerington, Olentangy, Westerville, Buckeye Valley, Worthington, Dublin, Bexley, New Albany, Granville, Upper Arlington, Reynoldsburg, Powell, Circleville, Grove City, Canal Winchester, and Lancaster as well as other Central Ohio areas. We also specialize in PSAT and SAT test prep courses.


Proven ACT Results with Unparalleled Materials

Our students have had much success - improving their ACT scores up to 11 points. Furthermore, we used our proprietary materials to prepare our own three children for the ACT, PSAT, & SAT. In 7th grade, each scored above a 30 on the English and math earning top honors in the Duke (TIP), Northwestern (NUMATS), and Johns Hopkins (CTY) middle school talent searches. They continued to use our materials to earn 34, 35, and 35 ACT composites in high school (two earned 36 superscores), and each was awarded the National Merit Finalist award for 99th percentile PSAT scores. Click on ACT Testimonials above to read about some of our clients' successes. 


We have spent years researching and developing our ACT preparation materials. Students receive our ACT test prep book that contains examples, explanations, and ACT tips for each of the areas on the ACT test along with over 1,400 drills. Students also receive math and English memorization sheets, additional ACT worksheets, and retired practice ACT tests. Students have utilized these course materials to excel on the SAT, PSAT, and college placement tests as well.


Affordable Price & Credible Instructor

​Our two Sunday ACT course is $300. We encourage you to compare! We offer the best value in proven ACT prep classes. â€‹Dr. Lynn Dailey, a tenured Capital University professor who excels on the ACT test, teaches all of our courses, and conducts the ACT tutoring. She has over 20 years experience in test prep courses & tutoring. 


Convenient Preparation & Alignment with ACT

​Our ACT classes are offered for a total of 12 hours on two Sundays (6 hours per day) at Capital University. Class time is utilized for a review of commonly tested ACT material. Students then work our extensive ACT drills at home. Click on ACT Courses & ACT Tutoring above to learn more. â€‹We offer our ACT preparation courses within a month of each national ACT test; therefore, the material is fresh in students' minds.


On-Site Courses

In addition to our 2-day course that is held at Capital University prior to every ACT test, The ACT Review offers on-site ACT, PSAT, and/or SAT prep courses at the following high schools: Pickerington North, Hilliard Darby, Hilliard Davidson, Hilliard Bradley, Olentangy Berlin, Olentangy Orange, Gahanna, New Albany, Canal Winchester, Reynoldsburg, Lancaster, Logan, Watterson, Ready, Circleville, Teays Valley, Hartley, Westfall, Bloom Carroll, St. Charles, Mount Vernon, Marysville, and Big Walnut.  
Please contact us for details regarding these courses: 614-834-8886.  


"Our son scored a 23 then a 22 the second time.  After your course, and completing all of your drills, he scored a 28!"
 Lisa Baumann, Pickerington 


"My son improved his score by 5 points on the ACT.  We can’t help but think this was a huge factor in his being accepted at all four of the schools he applied to.  Thank you for providing such a great service."
 Marilyn Nimz, Upper Arlington


"Fantastic news!  John's ACT score was a 34! His previous high on the ACT was a 29.  He got a 36 in the Science; his previous best was a 26. Same result in English. He went from a 27 to 35!  His two previous weakest areas were his highest scores! Thanks, I will recommend you to other parents and teachers.  I will let John's counselor know.  He told me about your class."
 Mitch Huff, Pickerington


  © 2003-2025       The ACT Review, llc    11352 Cedar Creek Dr.    Canal Winchester, OH    43110      614.834.8886

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